
Michi’s Ladder consists of five tiers of food, with tier 1 considered the highest tier and tier 5 considered the lowest.

The foods in tier 5 include items high in calories and fat, or low in nutrients. As you climb towards tier 1, you’ll find low-calorie, low-fat foods that contain high amounts of vital nutrients.

Michi’s diet followers should focus on foods from tiers 1 and 2, and avoid foods from the other tiers as much as possible.

The Michi’s Ladder diet is based on the Japanese term “michi,” which represents “the way.” According to the Team Beach Body, those who follow Michi’s Ladder seek the way towards better health and fitness. 

The plan emphasizes a clean eating style similar to that followed by fitness enthusiasts and body builders. The plan is designed to guide followers towards foods that provide the most “bang for your buck” in terms of nutrients per calorie or gram of fat. All foods consumed under this plan must be eaten raw, steamed, baked or broiled (fried foods are not part of the plan).


Expert Insight

In terms of nutrition and food, the Michi’s Ladder diet closely follows the food pyramid guidelines provided by the

U.S. Department of Agriculture. For example, the USDA recommends consuming one or two servings of whole grains each day, including things like whole wheat, wholegrain cereal or oatmeal.

All of these foods are found in the top 2 tiers of the Michi’s Ladder. The same is true for fruits
and vegetables, which make up many of the items in the top 2 tiers.

The USDA food pyramid also includes foods like low-fat milk, low-fat cheeses, yogurt, eggs, beans, chicken and fish, all of which are found in the top 2 tiers of Michi’s Ladder.