happy Ramadan & happy summer everyone, we want to help you replenish and reveal a smokey hot summer body this year but most importantly to stick to a healthy lifestyle. It is important to keep in mind that each of our bodies is different and that no one size fits all. So listen to what your body needs and give it its much needed necessities flip to page (14) for some highlighted hints on how to stay healthy and fit during & after ramadan.

Year after year I have attended Arab Health Exhibition and it has become like an annual habit, the exhibition with its amazing setting was a great experience. Health Guru magazine booth made a louder echo in Dubai this year. We have been able to exclusively interview dr. Mohamed Allaf Md director of Johns Hopkins hospital and sharing some of his knowledge on the new robotic prostate surgery page (28).

You may never have considered how important it is to invest in your health.Yet looking after your physical and mental well-being can really pay off.

Our health is something that we shouldn’t take for granted, and we should take stepsto help boost it. Excellent health is the one thing you can own that is worth more than money. Health span represents that time you spend on earth being both alive and healthy. That means you have the strength and energy to feel joy and spread joy. Living longer, living better, and living healthier is your best investment.

Small improvement here, tiny adjustment there after a while, the new small habits begin to add-up to improved health and longevity. The reason that the best investment is in your own health, is that when you enjoy perfect health, anything else is ultimately possible in your life.

Have a Lovely Summer

Dalia Ismail El-Taieb
Founder & CEO

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