Mineral Sulphur Springs

Which features the unique chemical installed. Which exceeds the rate of all mineral and sulphur springs in the world. Furthermore the availability of silt in the pools of these sulphur springs with its therapeutic properties of cured many diseases, bone diseases, gastrointestinal tract and respiratory tract and skin diseases, etc., as also proven treatment for patients with rheumatoid arthritis by burial in the sand.

The Waters of the Red Sea

Research also confirmed that the waters of the Red Sea, its contents and the presence of chemical coral reefs which helps healing of psoriasis. There are various tourist areas, which has the advantage of medical tourism in Egypt, areas of famous historical roots, such as: Helwan, Ain El Sira, Al Ain Sokhna, Hurghada, Fayoum, the oasis, Aswan, Sinai, and finally the city of Safaga stationed on the beach of the Red Sea, which has all the elements of tourism therapeutic and tourist groups that visit and the fame that comes black sand have the ability to get rid of some skin diseases.

Spread to Egypt, hundreds of natural springs and wells of mineral water and sulfur, differ in the depth and capacity, and the temperature between 30.73 degrees Celsius. The analysis has shown the laboratory to contain many of these natural springs at the highest rate of elemental sulphur compared to wells located in various parts of the world as containing this natural water on several metal salts and some metals of therapeutic value such as sodium carbonate and varying proportions of some metallic elements such as magnesium and iron.

Also showed Experimental Measurements suitability salinity in the natural water resources for the purposes of hospital and added to the proliferation of water wells, natural clean drinking water, which has expanded Egypt’s investment and production as economic in recent years under the control of rigorous scientific quality and standards in terms of purity of impurities and parasites and bacteria, and the degree of water hardness and chemical composition, which has led many national and foreign companies to compete for major investment in this area.