Manganese, Niacin, Pantothenic Acid, Phosphorus, Potassium, Thiamin, Vitamin A, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, Vitamin K, Magnesium, Iron, Iodine, Folic Acid, Fluoride, Copper, Chromium,, Choline, Calcium, Biotin, Zinc

The Key Players – Magnesium

Magnesium: Magnetically drawn to calcium, magnesium is a macromineral that partners with calcium to assist with proper muscle contraction, blood clotting, cell signaling, energy metabolism, blood pressure regulation, and building healthy bones and teeth! Rest easy...

The Super Set System

  يعتمد هدا النظام على تمرين نفس الجزء من الجسم بحيث يؤدى أحد التمرينين لمجموعة عضلية معينة يليه مباشرة تنفيد التمرين الثانى للمجموعة العضلية المقابلة وتتراوح التكرارات...
gain weight - Women Workout

Why do I gain weight post my workout ?

The most likely reason your scale crept up is inflammation.When you work out, it causes little tears in your muscle fibers. This is called microtrauma and it’s why you feel sore after a workout....
Emotional Health

Emotional Health | Questions & Answers

Are you happy, Truly happy in your daily life? Do you get feelings of stress, anxiety, discomfort, boredom or sometimes find yourself asking “what am I doing with my life? Where am I going with...


Tell us a bit about yourself and how yoga became part of your life? I was originally a fashion designer and art student - I studied fine arts during university and then did my masters...
Beat Stress

Eat To Beat Stress

Nine foods that will keep you jolly during the holidays Last thing you need is more stress, which over time can increase your risk o high blood pressure, heart disease and obesity . These yummy, easy...

Antibiotics – Salvation or Ruin?

  Consider these facts: A recent study by the US-based Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has concluded that “too many kids are still getting antibiotic prescriptions for colds, viral sore throats, and...

إفطار صحي لأولادك!

أنت تسال واستشارى طب الاطفال يجيب كتبت داليا امين ان يتناول التلميذ افطاره..فهذا ضرورى ..ولكن ان يقوم من نومة متاخرا ثم يسرع بالذهاب الى المدرسة دون ان يتناول اى طعام فهذا معناة حدوث متاعب كثيرة اهمها...
Manganese, Niacin, Pantothenic Acid, Phosphorus, Potassium, Thiamin, Vitamin A, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, Vitamin K, Magnesium, Iron, Iodine, Folic Acid, Fluoride, Copper, Chromium,, Choline, Calcium, Biotin, Zinc

The Key Players – Copper

Copper: Don’t be penny-pinching with this shiny mineral, which is an essential trace element and antioxidant. (Copper) Frontline in the creation of red blood cells, copperis also important for proper energy metabolism, immunity, and nervous system...