Happy Endings

A guide to the body part you walk all over Agony of the feet, according to a survey by the American podiatric medical association more than 50 percent of women have foot pain that get...
Manganese, Niacin, Pantothenic Acid, Phosphorus, Potassium, Thiamin, Vitamin A, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, Vitamin K, Magnesium, Iron, Iodine, Folic Acid, Fluoride, Copper, Chromium,, Choline, Calcium, Biotin, Zinc

The Key Players – Manganese

Manganese: Hailing from the Greek word for magic, manganese can be a double-edged sword. Though an essential trace mineral and antioxidant, it is also potentially toxic in excess. Important for energy, bone development, and wound...

Master Your Hormones

  In the game of health, there are many players who can help us win and prosper and in order to achieve success, we have to make the whole team ready and prepared. One of the...

Natural Healing

  Mineral Sulphur Springs Which features the unique chemical installed. Which exceeds the rate of all mineral and sulphur springs in the world. Furthermore the availability of silt in the pools of these sulphur springs with...

كيف تقرأ البطاقة الغذائية وتختار غذائك المناسب؟

ماهي البطاقة الغذائية؟ بطاقة مطبوعة على علب المنتجات الغذائية توضح محتويات الغذاء من العناصر كالدهون والبروتين والكربوهيدرات والملح والسكر وبعض الفيتامينات والمعادن والسعرات الحرارية. * من المهم قراءة البطاقة الغذائية لتتعرف على محتويات الغذاء و اختيار...


Tell us a bit about yourself and how yoga became part of your life? I was originally a fashion designer and art student - I studied fine arts during university and then did my masters...
Manganese, Niacin, Pantothenic Acid, Phosphorus, Potassium, Thiamin, Vitamin A, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, Vitamin K, Magnesium, Iron, Iodine, Folic Acid, Fluoride, Copper, Chromium,, Choline, Calcium, Biotin, Zinc

The Key Players – Choline

Choline: Choline is Another water-soluble B vitamin, is a building block of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, which is essential for the nerve and brain activities that control memory and muscle movement. It also helps turn the food...
ageing theory

Ageing Theory

Ageing Theory No one knows how and why people change as they get older. Some theories claim that ageing is caused by injuries from ultraviolet light over time, wear and tear on the body, or...


Given the reality of time-crunched parents, those well-rounded, home-cooked meals aren’t always possible. That’s why pediatricians may recommend a daily multivitamin or minera supplement for: Kids who aren’t eating regular, well-balanced meals made from fresh, whole...