Health Guru Issue #17

Antibiotics – Salvation or Ruin?

  Consider these facts: A recent study by the US-based Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has concluded that “too many kids are still getting antibiotic prescriptions for colds, viral sore throats, and...

Natural Healing

  Mineral Sulphur Springs Which features the unique chemical installed. Which exceeds the rate of all mineral and sulphur springs in the world. Furthermore the availability of silt in the pools of these sulphur springs with...

Health Guru Issue #7



A HEALTHY SUHOOR TO SLIM DOWN Mushroom Spinach Eggs Benedict Makes 2 servings Cook time :10 min 3 table spoon reduced fat sour cream 2 teaspoon fat free milk 1 teaspoon Dijon mustard 1 teaspoon olive oil 11/2 cups sliced mushrooms 2 tablespoons...

Health Guru Issue #8

His attitude is ruled by his testosterone!

Men have a hormone cycle, too. But there are big differences. For instance, instead of having a month-long hormone cycle like gals, males go through an entire hormone cycle in a single 24 hours. The...

Sugar Cravings and How to Deal with it

Sugar cravings, an issue that a vast majority of people struggle with on a daily basis. As we all know sugar is detrimental to our health, and is a main cause for many diseases;...

كيف تقرأ البطاقة الغذائية وتختار غذائك المناسب؟

ماهي البطاقة الغذائية؟ بطاقة مطبوعة على علب المنتجات الغذائية توضح محتويات الغذاء من العناصر كالدهون والبروتين والكربوهيدرات والملح والسكر وبعض الفيتامينات والمعادن والسعرات الحرارية. * من المهم قراءة البطاقة الغذائية لتتعرف على محتويات الغذاء و اختيار...