Mastering a healthy mindset

By Charlotte Stebbing-Mills Have you ever heard the saying that the only way to get good results is by having 80% good nutrition and 20% good exercise? Have you ever felt like you ‘should’ go...

كيف تقرأ البطاقة الغذائية وتختار غذائك المناسب؟

ماهي البطاقة الغذائية؟ بطاقة مطبوعة على علب المنتجات الغذائية توضح محتويات الغذاء من العناصر كالدهون والبروتين والكربوهيدرات والملح والسكر وبعض الفيتامينات والمعادن والسعرات الحرارية. * من المهم قراءة البطاقة الغذائية لتتعرف على محتويات الغذاء و اختيار...
Manganese, Niacin, Pantothenic Acid, Phosphorus, Potassium, Thiamin, Vitamin A, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, Vitamin K, Magnesium, Iron, Iodine, Folic Acid, Fluoride, Copper, Chromium,, Choline, Calcium, Biotin, Zinc

The Key Players – Iron

Iron: Pump some iron (into your meals) to help hemoglobin, a component of red blood cells, and myoglobin (hemoglobin’s counterpart in muscles) bring oxygen to all the cells that need it. Iron is also important in...
Manganese, Niacin, Pantothenic Acid, Phosphorus, Potassium, Thiamin, Vitamin A, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, Vitamin K, Magnesium, Iron, Iodine, Folic Acid, Fluoride, Copper, Chromium,, Choline, Calcium, Biotin, Zinc

The Key Players – Zinc

Zinc: Zippity doo dah for zinc, a trace element that is a building block for enzymes, proteins, and cells. It is also responsible for freeing Vitamin A from its holding tank, the liver, through its...

Nutrition Tricks That Will Help You Lose Weight

Follow these rules and watch the kilos fall off. Nutrition Tricks That Will Help You Lose Weight You don’t have to be a total nutrition nerd to know that some numbers are extra important when...

His attitude is ruled by his testosterone!

Men have a hormone cycle, too. But there are big differences. For instance, instead of having a month-long hormone cycle like gals, males go through an entire hormone cycle in a single 24 hours. The...

Your Guide To a Healthy Relationship

It Feels Like Love, but Is It? Sometimes it feels impossible to find someone who's right for you and who thinks you're right for him or her! So when it happens, It's totally normal to look...
Manganese, Niacin, Pantothenic Acid, Phosphorus, Potassium, Thiamin, Vitamin A, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, Vitamin K, Magnesium, Iron, Iodine, Folic Acid, Fluoride, Copper, Chromium,, Choline, Calcium, Biotin, Zinc

The Key Players – Iodine | How To get It

Iodine: Definitely dine with iodine: This essential trace mineral is a crucial component of thyroid hormones, which maintain our basal metabolic rate (BMR). Iodine also helps to regulate body temperature, nerve and muscle function, and plays...


Tell us a bit about yourself and how yoga became part of your life? I was originally a fashion designer and art student - I studied fine arts during university and then did my masters...