The Key Players – Vitamin D
Vitamin D:
Who loves the sun? This essential fat-soluble vitamin which is vital for normal calcium metabolism, immunity, nervous system function, and bone density sure does.
But before vitamin D can live up to its expectations,...
Gut-Brain Connection
Think about it. You are what you eat, That's why it's always about the Gut-Brain connection.
This means your brain requires a constant supply of fuel. That “fuel” comes...
القلب المكسور يسبب الموت حزناً .. حقيقة وليست خرافة
تحقيق داليا أمين
" قلبي بيوجعنى" كم مرة سمعنا هذه العبارة من الذين يمرون بظروف نفسية صعبة ؟ فمن المعروف ان الشعور بالزعل والحزن من الأسباب الرئيسية...
Swinging with your hormones
Up one minute, down the next!!!ouch but did you know hormones don’t just affect your mood ,but your health too?
Discover the whole truth From the moment we hit puberty, our hormones seem to rule...
Health Lies Trainers Tell
That helpful advice you hear at the gym may actually hurt you. We’ll help you distinguish the truth from the B.S
“Heat and vigorous exercise help you sweat out toxins “
You aren’t likely to purify...
اختار جسم أحلامك
فى بدايه هذا الموضوع الشيق أود ان اشرح اهميه استخدام الاحمال فى التدريب اليومى حيث انها تفيد فى كلتا الهدفين (فقدان الدهون _و زياده الكتله العضليه)
و من هنا سنبدأ بالحديث عن الاختلافات الجزريه بين...
The Key Players – Potassium
Our hearts beat for potassium, a macromineral and electrolyte that’s essential for a steady heartbeat, the transmission of nervous system signals, and muscle function.
Alongside sodium, potassium is also an MVP in balancing fluids by...
The Key Players – Calcium | How To get It
Got milk? Guzzle a glassful to get the daily dose of calcium, a macromineral crucial for the healthy development of bones and teeth.
But that’s not all — calcium also offers a helping hand in...