Medical Tourism In Safaga
Where is safaga & Why Important?
Safaga is a location at Red Sea Coast is known for its pure air, clean beaches and clear sea water.
It is a perfect place for relaxing and recovering. Patients...
Gut-Brain Connection
Think about it. You are what you eat, That's why it's always about the Gut-Brain connection.
This means your brain requires a constant supply of fuel. That “fuel” comes...
The Key Players – Vitamin E
Vitamin E:
E is for the Excellent Eight. A family of eight antioxidants, vitamin Eprotects essential lipids from damage, battles free radicals, and maintains the integrity of cell membranes. Drop some E (the vitamin!) to...
إفطار صحي لأولادك!
أنت تسال واستشارى طب الاطفال يجيب
كتبت داليا امين
ان يتناول التلميذ افطاره..فهذا ضرورى ..ولكن ان يقوم من نومة متاخرا ثم يسرع بالذهاب الى المدرسة دون ان يتناول اى طعام فهذا معناة حدوث متاعب كثيرة اهمها...
Aloe Vera Health Benefits
Originating from the Arabian Peninsula, Aloe vera is a herb from the aloe species and it belongs to the Liliaceae family with a wide range of medicinal having remarkably health benefits. Aloe...
شفط الدهون بالليزر
عمليات شفط الدهون هى رحلة إلى عالم الجمال والفن ، وأصبح لزاماً على طبيب التجميل أن يتمتع بالحس الجمالى وان يمتلك جميع الأدوات التى تحقق الإبداع فى لوحاته ، فالفنان كى يبدع فلابد أن...
The Key Players – Vitamin A
Vitamin A (a.k.a. retinol, retinal, retinoic acid):
So what’s up with this vitamin, doc? Though known as being good for vision, vitamin A has many other vital tasks:
It encourages red and white blood cell...
The Key Players – Vitamin B6
Vitamin B6 (a.k.a. pyridoxal, pyridoxine, pyridoxamine):
Like a G6, this essential, watersoluble vitamin flies high above the others.
Vitamin B6 helps out with the production of serotonin, a hormone that plays a hand in sleep, appetite,...